Franz Morscher (1871-1962), was my great grandfather.  He was the grandfather of my dad and also Joseph "Pepi" Morscher.  He was born on June 15, 1871 and was the Mayor of Langenton (Gottschee) and had an inn there.  He was married to Josefa (josephine) Petsche (7/18/1875-12/28/1940).  He had at least two siblings:  Josephine Morscher (1896-1978) and Maria Morscher (1900-1985).
After WW2 war, Franz helped my grandfather, Joseph Morscher, and my uncle, Joseph Pepi Morscher, establish
New York City's Morscher's Pork Store.

Here is a photo taken of Franz Morscher's establishment in Langenton with a big crowd of people.  My grandfather
Joseph Morscher was in this crowd, and can be seen in the close up view of the photo.  As far as I can tell, Franz Morscher is nowhere to be found in the image.

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Here are the only two color photos that I have ever seen of Franz Morscher, taken sometime in the 1950's in New York City:


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